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Overall market sentiment has been high on ESS Tech Inc (GWH) stock lately. GWH receives a Bullish rating from InvestorsObserver Stock Sentiment Indicator.

What is Stock Sentiment?
Sentiment uses short term technical analysis to gauge whether a stock is desired by investors. As a technical indicator, it focuses on recent trends as opposed to the long term health of the underlying company. Updates for the company such as a earnings release can move the stock away from current trends.
Sentiment is how investors, or the market, feels about a stock. There are lots of ways to measure sentiment. At the core, sentiment is pretty easy to understand. If a stock is going up, investors must be bullish, while if it is going down, sentiment is bearish.
InvestorsObserver’s Sentiment Indicator looks at price trends over the past week and also considers changes in volume. Increasing volume can mean a trend is getting stronger, while decreasing volume can mean a trend is nearing a conclusion.
For stocks that have options, our system also considers the balance between calls, which are often bets that the price will go up, and puts, which are frequently bets that the price will fall.
What’s Happening With GWH Stock Today?
ESS Tech Inc (GWH) stock is trading at $1.25 as of 11:59 AM on Thursday, Mar 30, a rise of $0.12, or 10.13{fa54600cdce496f94cc1399742656d2709d9747721dfc890536efdd06456dfb9} from the previous closing price of $1.14. The stock has traded between $1.13 and $1.26 so far today. Volume today is less active than usual. So far 495,402 shares have traded compared to average volume of 1,480,980 shares.
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More About ESS Tech Inc
ESS Tech Inc is a long-duration energy storage company specializing in iron flow battery technology. The company design and produce long-duration batteries predominantly using earth-abundant materials.
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